Donate to support and impact lives of widows, widowers, orphans and the less-privileged.

Join us to transform and impact lives.
We believe that this is our life’s assignment and are committed to it. We know that God has raised all the support and partners we need to get this work done. As you avail yourself as a vessel, remember that God is not a task master, He will reward you accordingly. Let us join forces and be instruments in God’s hands, spreading His love to the world around us.
Our Banking Details
Acct. Name: Vintage Vessels International Organisation
Bank: Access Bank
1379638656 (Naira)
1379647319 (USD)
Thank you for giving.
Our Outlook
- Drilling of boreholes to provide clean water to communities
- Affordable shelter
- Establishment of a prayer resort and event center
- Setting up of affordable schools for indigents
- A microfinance thrift society for indigents to easily access facilities
Our Objectives
- Building people with talents, visions and goals to become strong forces in their spheres of influence.
- Supporting and sponsoring upcoming ministries and initiatives anchored towards soul winning and humanitarian activities.
- Organize trainings, seminars, workshops, and skill acquisitions for widows and the vulnerable.
- Reach out to the less privileged and vulnerable by providing food and other support.
- Provide soft loans to small business owners and monitoring the businesses to grow.
- To lend a voice to the voiceless by offering social and legal services.
- Provide mental and physical health interventions in rural communities.
- Expose communities to identify opportunities in their localities and leverage on them to provide employment and wealth.
- Provide affordable housing scheme with basic infrastructure for low-income earners.
- Collaborate with relevant organisations to make clean water accessible to communities.
- Intervene in public schools by renovating and providing educational materials.
Love and compassion in pictures